Customer Support

Rates & Regulations Overview

At Xcel Energy, we work with public officials in the states we serve to meet the needs of our customers for safe, reliable, and affordable electric and natural gas service.

Our utility subsidiaries operate under carefully regulated conditions, which are determined in part by state public utilities commissions. Federal and state utilities commissions are the governing bodies that regulate the rates and services of utilities like Xcel Energy. In exchange for the right to provide electricity and natural gas services in certain regions, we agree to the following:

Together, this is known as the regulatory compact. As a participant in the compact, we are granted the ability to recover our costs of doing business and earn a reasonable rate of return; customers are ensured appropriate levels of service at reasonable prices.

We work hard to stay in sync with the needs of our customers, regulators, and public policymakers. We extensively plan for the least-cost, balanced portfolio of resources that our customers will need into the future, comply with numerous public safety, environmental, and reliability regulations, and effectively manage our costs to provide reliable, safe, affordable service to our customers.

Additional Rates & Regulations Information

Resource Plans

Energy Saving Tip

Energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs may cost a bit more up front, but they can save big money over the life of the product. Plus, some energy-efficient equipment may be eligible for rebates to offset the initial cost.

Break Ground, Not the Law

Always call 811 before digging in your yard to avoid hitting buried gas or electric lines. Not only is it the safe thing to do, but it's the law.