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Xcel Energy Texas-New Mexico Time-of-Use Rate Study

Stakeholder process to inform future time-of-use rate study

What is the Time-of-Use Rate Study?

Time-of-use (TOU) rates are utility pricing structures that adjust the amounts customers pay for electricity over the course of the day or based on the time of the year. Xcel Energy currently has TOU rate options in Texas and New Mexico for certain customer classes. Xcel Energy’s 2024 TOU Rate Study will evaluate data that could be used in future customer rate designs.

How to get involved?

Right now, the most important contribution is to provide feedback on how we should carryout the TOU rate study. Here is a list of roles and responsibility for those who choose to participate:

  • Review meeting materials in advance.
  • Work offline in small subgroups, if interested.
  • Serve as respectful, active participants during discussions.
  • Consider views and input of other stakeholders.
  • Share experiences and expertise.
  • Attend as many meetings as possible.
  • Review the notes and materials from any missed meetings.

Time-of-Use Rate Study Background

Xcel Energy filed to revise base rates in 2022 with the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission and, in 2023, with the Public Utility Commission of Texas, leading to stipulations that we engage interested customers in discussing the scope and methodology of a future TOU rate study. Interested stakeholders can initially help us shape the study and, consequently, future policy.

More information

Email Jeremiah Cunningham, Manager Rate Cases, or

Alex Trowbridge, Manager, Pricing and Planning,


Public Stakeholder Meeting in Amarillo, Texas
June 12, 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. CT.

Details (PDF)
Register here (external link)

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