Customer Support

Filing materials related to this proposal are available here. You can also follow the proceedings and access electronic filings at the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (external link). Search for docket number 16A-0396E.

Colorado Energy Plan Milestones

CPUC Decision supporting the CEP Preferred Portfolio August 2018

CEP 120-Day Report (Preferred Portfolio and alternatives), June 2018

Supporting Testimony of David Eves

Colorado Energy Plan Stipulation Agreement August 2017

Applications for Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity

Cheyenne Ridge Wind Project CPCN (Proceeding No. 18A-0905E)

Shortgrass Switching Station CPCN (Proceeding No. 18A-0860E)

Manchief and Valmont 7 & 8 CPCN (Proceeding No. 19A-0409E)

2019 ERP Amendment Solar Rebid Settlement (Proceeding No. 19A-0530E)

Energy Saving Tip Icon

Energy Saving Tip

Install ceiling fans to keep cool air circulating so you can turn down your air conditioner. Still, make sure to turn off your fan when you leave the room.

chat bubble logo

Break Ground, Not the Law

Always call 811 before digging in your yard to avoid hitting buried gas or electric lines. Not only is it the safe thing to do, but it's the law.