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How to submit a public comment

The CPUC encourages public comments on any issue they are considering. Anyone may file a comment or objection to a proceedingonline (external link). You can also email, call 303-869-3490 or submit comments by mail: 

Colorado Public Utilities Commission
1560 Broadway, Suite 250
Denver, CO 80202

When contacting the CPUC, reference Proceeding No. 22AL-0530E.

Filing materials for this proposal will be available here and on the CPUC website (external link). Search for Proceeding No. 22AL-0530E.

22AL-0530E_AL 1906-E_2022 Electric Rate Case (PDF)
22AL-0530E_AL 1906-E_2022 Electric Rate Case Tariffs (PDF)
Attachment A_2022 Electric Rate Case Legal Notice (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 101, Attachment SPB-1 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 101, Attachment SPB-2 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 101, Attachment SPB-3 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 101, Direct Testimony of Steven P. Berman (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 102, Attachment MAM-1 Filing Requirements (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 102, Attachment MAM-2 2022 Rate Case Expenses (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 102, Attachment MAM-3 Clean Tariffs (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 102, Attachment MAM-4 Redlined Tariffs (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 102, Direct Testimony of Marci A. McKoane (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 103, Attachment PAJ-1 HTY Cap Structure 6-30-22 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 103, Attachment PAJ-2 Moody's Rating Methodology Regulated Utilities (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 103, Attachment PAJ-3 SP Key Credit Factors Regulated Utilities (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 103, Attachment PAJ-4 2013 SP Ratios and Adjustments 11-10-2013 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 103, Attachment PAJ-5 Credit Ratings Description (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 103, Attachment PAJ-6 Test Year Capital Structure (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 103, Direct Testimony of Paul A. Johnson (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 104, Attachment AEB-1 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 104, Attachment AEB-2 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 104, Attachment AEB-3 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 104, Attachment AEB-4 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 104, Attachment AEB-5 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 104, Attachment AEB-6 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 104, Attachment AEB-7 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 104, Attachment AEB-8 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 104, Attachment AEB-9 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 104, Attachment AEB-10 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 104, Attachment AEB-11 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 104, Attachment AEB-12 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 104, Attachment AEB-13 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 104, Attachment AEB-14 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 104, Attachment AEB-15 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 104, Direct Testimony of Ann E. Bulkley (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 105, Attachment JMG-1 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 105, Attachment JMG-2 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 105, Attachment JMG-3 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 105, Attachment JMG-4 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 105, Attachment JMG-5 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 105, Attachment JMG-6 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 105, Direct Testimony of John M. Goodenough (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 105, Public Attachment JMG-4 Redacted (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 106, Attachment KLW-1 Plant Additions 1.1.21-12.31.23 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 106, Attachment KLW-2 15A-0304E_2021 Cabin Creek Annual Progress Report (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 106, Attachment KLW-3 OM by CE (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 106, Attachment KLW-4 OM by FERC (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 106, Attachment KLW-5 Colorado Air Quality Enterprise Fee Scenario Outline (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 106, Attachment KLW-6
Hearing Exhibit 106, Direct Testimony of Kyle L. Williams
Hearing Exhibit 107, Attachment GYF-1 Plant Additions 1.1.21-12.31.23 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 107, Attachment GYF-2 OM by Cost Element (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 107, Attachment GYF-3 OM by FERC (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 107, Attachment GYF-4 Wheeling Expenses (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 107, Attachment GYF-5 DCP Highpoint Cost Analysis Summary (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 107, Attachment GYF-6 GDT Estimate by Month (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 107, Attachment GYF-7 Voltage Summary Estimate by Month (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 107, Direct Testimony of Gilbert Y. Flores (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 108, Attachment DCM-1 Plant Additions 1.1.21-12.31.23 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 108, Attachment DCM-2 Community Resilience Initiative Project Costs (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 108, Attachment DCM-3 OM by Cost Element (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 108, Attachment DCM-4 OM by FERC Account (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 108, Direct Testimony of David C. Mino (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 109, Attachment KRF-1 2021 Wilfire Annual Report (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 109, Attachment KRF-2 Plant Additions 1.1.21-12.31.23 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 109, Attachment KRF-3 Distribution O&M Data (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 109, Attachment KRF-4 Transmission WMP O&M Data (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 109, Direct Testimony of Kristopher R. Farruggia (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 110, Attachment ARD-1 Plant Additions 1.1.21-12.31.23 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 110, Attachment ARD-2 Dietenberger OM by Cost Element (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 110, Attachment ARD-3 Dietengerger OM by FERC (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 110, Direct Testimony of Adam R. Dietenberger (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 111, Attachment SSB-1 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 111, Direct Testimony of Sangram S. Bhosale (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 112, Direct Testimony of Megan N. Scheller (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 113, Attachment MOR-1 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 113, Attachment MOR-2 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 113, Attachment MOR-3 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 113, Direct Testimony of Michael O. Remington (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 114, Attachment MPD-1 Slip Sheet (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 114, Attachment MPD-2 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 114, Direct Testimony of Michael P. Deselich (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 115, Attachment RRS-1 WTW 2021 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 115, Attachment RRS-2 WTW 2022-23 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 115, Attachment RRS-3 2023 FAS Costs (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 115, Attachment RRS-4 OM Calcs Active Health Care (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 115, Attachment RRS-5 PSCo Electric PPA HTY FTY (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 115, Attachment RRS-6 FAS 106 Prepaid with RL Offset (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 115, Attachment RRS-7 Pension Tracker (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 115, Direct Testimony of Richard R. Schrubbe (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 116, Attachment NK-1 PSCo Property Tax Calc 2023 TY Redacted (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 116, Public Direct Testimony of Naomi Koch REDACTED (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 117, Attachment NLD-1 PSCo CAAM Sept 2022 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 117, Attachment NLD-2 PSCo CAAM Sept 2022 Comparison (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 117, Attachment NLD-3 Fully Distributed Cost Study Page 1 (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 117, Attachment NLD-4 Fully Distributed Cost Study Page 2 Redacted (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 117, Attachment NLD-5 XES Allocating Cost Center Allocation Methods and Percentages (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 117, Attachment NLD-6 Comparison of XES Allocation Percentages PSCo (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 117, Attachment NLD-7 Utility Allocation Methods Percentages (PDF)
Hearing Exhibit 117, Attachment NLD-8 Non-Regulated Activity Allocation Methods Percentages (PDF)

Energy Saving Tip

Energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs may cost a bit more up front, but they can save big money over the life of the product. Plus, some energy-efficient equipment may be eligible for rebates to offset the initial cost.

Break Ground, Not the Law

Always call 811 before digging in your yard to avoid hitting buried gas or electric lines. Not only is it the safe thing to do, but it's the law.