For monthly gas quality data from which therm multipliers are derived, visit
Summary of Electric Rates as of 01-01-25 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 10-01-24 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 07-21-24 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 07-01-24 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 05-01-24 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 04-01-24 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 01-01-24 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 10-01-23 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 07-01-23 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 04-01-23 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 01-01-23 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 10-01-22 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 07-01-22 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 04-01-22 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 01-01-22 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 10-01-21 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 06-01-21 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 04-01-21 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 03-01-21 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 01-01-21 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 10-01-20 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 8-19-20 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 6-1-20 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 4-5-20 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 4-1-20 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 2-25-20 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 1-1-20 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 10-1-19 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 8-1-19 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 7-1-19 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 10-1-18 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 6-1-18 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 5-1-2018 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 4-1-2018 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 1-1-2018 (PDF)
Summary of Electric Rates as of 10-1-2017 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 01-0-1-25 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 11-05-24 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 10-01-24 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 07-01-24 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 04-01-24 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 01-01-24 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 10-01-23 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 07-01-23 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 05-14-23 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 05-01-23 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 04-01-23 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 03-01-23 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 02-01-23 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 01-01-23 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 12-01-22 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 11-01-22 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 10-01-22 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 09-01-22 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 07-01-22 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 06-01-22 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 04-01-22 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 03-01-22 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 01-01-22 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 12-01-21 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 10-01-21 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 09-01-21 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 07-01-21 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 04-01-21 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 1-1-2021 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 10-1-2020 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 7-1-2020 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 4-5-2020 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 4-1-2020 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 3-1-2020 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 1-1-2020 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 10-1-19 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 7-1-19 (PDF)
Summary of Gas Rates as of 6-1-19 (PDF)
Explore our historical charts to take a closer look at Xcel Energy-Colorado’s rate trends over the past decade. The charts are based on the average rates paid by residential customers and show individual line-item charges on a monthly basis. The fixed monthly charge is presented as a cents per kilowatt charge and is calculated by dividing by average customer usage over the year. The charts also reflect preset seasonal changes in rates with summer prices being slightly higher than winter charges.
Ten-Year Rate Trend Chart: Natural Gas Service (PDF)
Ten-Year Rate Trend Table: Natural Gas Service (PDF)
Ten-Year Rate Trend Chart: Electric Service (PDF)
Ten-Year Rate Trend Table: Electric Service (PDF)
Xcel Energy-Colorado residential customers have access to both electricity and natural gas rates that are notably below costs seen nationally for each of the past 10 years.
We are committed to delivering clean, reliable, affordable power today and for years to come. Many factors – including fuel costs, environmental regulations, infrastructure improvements and changing energy demand – affect the cost of producing electricity, and, in turn, the price you pay.
We continuously balance these factors to ensure reliable electricity, cleaner energy and the best price possible for our customers.
To make every dollar count, we work to be as efficient and prudent as possible, and to balance affordability in the present with investments for the future.
The largest single component of your bill is fuel costs. Xcel Energy makes no profit on this portion of your bill since it is directly tied to the cost of fuel in today's marketplace. Although we can't control the global factors that affect these costs, we are taking steps to keep costs down (external link) including:
Rule No. 1, Rev. 1 - General Statement of Purpose (Sept 8, 2008) (PDF)
Rule No. 2, Rev. 2 - Definitions (Apr 5, 2014) (PDF)
Rule No. 3, Rev. 1 - Application for Service (Sept 8, 2008) (PDF)
Rule No. 4, Rev. 1 - Supplying of Service (Sept 8, 2008) (PDF)
Rule No. 5, Org - Character of Service (Aug 30, 1985) (PDF)
Rule No. 6, Rev. 1 - Continuity of Service (Apr 5, 2014) (PDF)
Rule No. 7, Rev. 7 - Refusal, Discontinuance and Suspension of Service (Sept 27, 2018) (PDF)
Rule No. 8, Rev. 2 - Use of Service (Apr 5, 2014) (PDF)
Rule No. 9, Org - Right-of-Way (Aug 30, 1985) (PDF)
Rule No. 10, Org - Access to Premises (Aug 30, 1985) (PDF)
Rule No. 11, Org - Change of Premises of Customers (Aug 30, 1985) (PDF)
Rule No. 12, Rev. 1 - Temporary Service (Sept 8, 2008) (PDF)
Rule No. 13, Rev. 2 - Customer Installation (Apr 5, 2014) (PDF)
Rule No. 14, Rev. 1 - Transformer Vaults (Sept 8, 2008) (PDF)
Rule No. 15, Rev. 2 – Company’s Installation (Oct 19, 2023) (PDF)
Rule No. 16, Rev. 10 - Extension to Customers (May 28, 2020) (PDF)
Rule No. 17, Org - Metering (Aug 30, 1985) (PDF)
Rule No. 18, Rev. 5 - Billing (Apr 5, 2014) (PDF)
Rule No. 19, Rev. 1 - Application of Rate Schedules (Sept 8, 2008) (PDF)
Rule No. 20, Org - Deposits (Aug 30, 1985) (PDF)
Rule No. 21, Org - Application of Rules and Regulations - Conflicts (Aug 30, 1985) (PDF)
Rule No. 22, Org - Unauthorized Communication Devices (Aug 30, 1985) (PDF)
Rule No. 23, Org - Load Curtailment Plan (Aug 30, 1985) (PDF)
Rule No. 24, Rev. 2 - Estimated Bills for Residential Customers (Jun 1, 2004) (PDF)
Rule No. 25, Org - Residential Billing of Vacant Rental Property (Sep 8, 2008) (PDF)
Rule No. 26, Rev. 2 - Deduct and Ancillary Meters (Nov 3, 2022) (PDF)
Rule No. 27, Org - Relocation_Modification of Company Facilities (Aug 15, 2016) (PDF)
Rule No. 28, Org - Electric Inspection Certificate (Dec 15, 2018) (PDF)
Rule No. 29, Org - Community Solar Subscriber Organization Agreement (Oct 30, 2023) (PDF)
Rule No. 30, Org - Community Solar Subscriber Consent Form (Oct 30, 2023) (PDF)
Access our current rate books based on your service area, which include basic information on rates, rate adjustments and other helpful details.
I-1 Rev 35 - Table of Contents (2-1-24) (PDF)
II-1, Rev 10- General Description of Operations (2-1-24) (PDF)
III-1, Rev 12 - List of Counties and Cities Provided by SPS (2-1-24) (PDF)
IV-1, Rev 143 - Table of Schedules (2-1-24) (PDF)
IV-3, Rev 23 - Residential Service (2-1-24) (PDF)
IV-18, Rev 23 - Secondary General Service (2-1-24) (PDF)
IV-56, Rev 18 - SAS Bishop Hills-Amarillo College (1-10-20) (PDF)
IV-61, Rev 17 - SAS CRMWA (2-1-24) (PDF)
IV-65, Rev 21 - Guard Lighting Service (2-1-24) (PDF)
IV-69, Rev 58- Fuel Cost Recovery Factor D54975 (5-1-24) (PDF)
IV-77, Rev 11 - Electric Service to QF of 100kW or Less (6-9-13) (PDF)
IV-86, Rev 13 - Energy Purchase From QF of 100 kW or Less (1-10-20) (PDF)
IV-91, Rev 19- Municipal and State Street Lighting Service (2-1-24) (PDF)
IV-98, Rev 15 - Miscellaneous Service Charge (9-1-22) (PDF)
IV-108, Rev 15 - Large General Service - Transmission (2-1-24) (PDF)
IV-109, Rev 16 - SAS ConocoPhillips - WRB Refining LP (2-1-24) (PDF)
IV-117, Rev 4 - Purchase of Non-Firm Energy from QF (3-1-14) (PDF)
IV-118, Rev 12 - Flood Light Service (2-1-24) (PDF)
IV-144, Rev 5 - SAS City of Amarillo (3-1-22) (PDF)
IV-150, Rev 10 - Restricted Outdoor Lighting Service (1-10-20) (PDF)
IV-152, Rev 2 - State University Discount Rate Rider (6-19-13) (PDF)
IV-159, Rev 6 - DG Interconnection (3-1-17) (PDF)
IV-172, Rev 11- Small General Service (2-1-24) (PDF)
IV-173, Rev 12 - Primary General Service (2-1-24) (PDF)
IV-174, Rev 11 - Small Municipal and School Service (2-1-24) (PDF)
IV-175, Rev 12 - Large Municipal Service (2-1-24) (PDF)
IV-177, Rev 6 - Interruptible Credit Option - ICO (2-1-24) (PDF)
IV-179, Rev 11- Primary QF Standby Service (2-1-24) (PDF)
IV-180, Rev 11 - Secondary QF Standby Service (2-1-24) (PDF)
IV-181, Rev 11 - Transmission QF Standby Service (2-1-24) (PDF)
IV-182, Rev 12 - Large School Service (2-1-24) (PDF)
IV-183, Rev 11- Transmission QF Non-Firm Standby Service (2-1-24) (PDF)
IV-188, Rev 3 - Residential Controlled Air Conditioning Rider (12-19-14) (PDF)
IV-189, Rev 3 - C and I Controlled Air Conditioning Rider (12-19-14) (PDF)
IV-192, Rev 1 - Municipal Franchise Fee (6-19-13) (PDF)
IV-193, Rev 2 - Peak Day Partner (1-10-20) (PDF)
IV-194, Rev 2 - ICO Summer Only (1-10-20) (PDF)
IV-195, Rev 14- Energy Efficiency Cost Recovery Factor Rider D54949 (1-1-25) (PDF)
IV-204, Original - Discount for Veterans Severely Burned in Combat (12-19-14) (PDF)
IV-205, Rev 4 - General Service - Time of Use Rate (2-1-24) (PDF)
IV-206, Rev 4 - General Service - Low Load Factor Rate (2-1-24) (PDF)
IV-224, Rev 1- Original - AMS D52451 (2-1-24) (PDF)
IV-231, Rev 1- Original - Distribution Cost Recovery Factor (DCRF) D57135 (1-2-2025) (PDF)
IV-235 - Original - Base Rate Surcharge D54634 (10-01-2024) (PDF)
V-1 - TOC - Rev. 13 - D53668 (2-1-24) (PDF)
V-2 - General Statement of Purpose Rev. 2 - D32766 (7-27-07) (PDF)
V-3 - Definitions Rev. 4 - D40824 (6-19-13) (PDF)
V-4 - Application for Service Rev. 3 - D40824 (6-19-13) (PDF)
V-5 - Supplying of Service Rev. 2 - D32766 (7-27-07) (PDF)
V-6 - Character of Service Rev. 1 - D32766 (7-27-07) (PDF)
V-7 - Continuity of Service Rev. 1 - D32766 (7-27-07) (PDF)
V-8 - Refusal, Discontinuance and Suspension of Service Rev. 5 D32766 (7-27-07) (PDF)
V-9 - Use of Service Rev. 1 - D32766 (7-27-07) (PDF)
V-10 - Right-of-Way Rev. 1 - D32766 (7-27-07) (PDF)
V-11 Access to Premises Rev. 1 - D32766 (7-27-07) (PDF)
V-12 - Change of Premises of Customer Rev. 2 - D32766 (7-27-07) (PDF)
V-13 - Temporary Service Rev. 1 - D32766 (7-27-07) (PDF)
V-14 - Customer's Installation Rev. 2 - D43695 (6-11-15) (PDF)
V-15 - Transformer Vaults Rev. 2 - D32766 (7-27-07) (PDF)
V-16 - Company's Installation Rev. 3 - D32766 (2-1-24) (PDF)
V-17 - Extension to Customers Rev. 15 - D49831 (1-10-20) (PDF)
V-18 - Metering Rev. 2 - D32766 (7-27-07) (PDF)
V-19 - Billing Rev. 3 - D32766 (7-27-07) (PDF)
V-20 - Application of Rate Schedules Rev. 3 - D32766 (7-27-07) (PDF)
V-21 - Deposits Rev. 6 - D32766 (7-27-07) (PDF)
V-22 - Application of Rules and Regulations-Conflicts Rev. 2 - D32766 (7-27-07) (PDF)
V-23 - Unauthorized Communication Devices Rev. 1 - D32766 (7-27-07) (PDF)
V-25 - Load Control Equipment for Customers Rev. 2 - D32766 (7-27-07) (PDF)
V-27 - Customer Complaints Rev. 1 - D32766 (7-27-07) (PDF)
V-29 - Retail Electric Switchover Rev. 1 - D32766 (7-27-07) (PDF)
V-30 - Residential Billing of Vacant Rental Property Original - D32766 (7-27-07) (PDF)
V-31 - Deduct and Ancillary Meters Rev. 2 - D53668 (8-30-22) (PDF)
V-32 - Temp. or Perm. Relocation-Modification of Company Facilities and Fees Original - D43695 (6-11-15) (PDF)
Electric Rules and Regulations (PDF)
Public Utility Commission of Texas (external link)
For more information on Distributed Generation in Texas, please email:
Jeremiah Cunningham, Manager, Regulatory Administration
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